Monday, November 28, 2011

Fall Work

This fall semester of school has been tremendously busy.  Going to school full-time, working two jobs, and playing lacrosse is definitely a lot to juggle.  It is little surprise that I've found very little time to paint to my dismay.  On top of that, my current residence doesn't have internet, so updating my blog has largely been forgotten.  I can't wait for winter break so I can once again enjoy painting like I did all summer!  Now onto the fun stuff:

This is the last still life painting in the class I've been taking from Daniel Edmondson.  I've really learned a lot and my painting has improved greatly.  Dan is a great teacher and keeps the whole process fun. He also sends video critiques of your paintings when you're done which are very useful.  So here is "Peach and Blossoms"

Next is "Hidden Waterfall"

Both of these were really fun to paint.  Looking forward to some more paintings in the near future!